Mio Yamato Solo Exhibition|To you and me, who keep choosing live today

Kyoto Tsutaya Books

COHJU is pleased to announce that Mio Yamato's solo exhibition, To you and me, who keep choosing to live today, will be held at Kyoto Tsutaya Books 6F Gallery from January 13th to the 30th, 2024.

In this exhibition, Yamato attempts to express the nature of our bodies and senses through her new works, SPECTRUM DOT, singing soil, and under my skin.




Mio Yamato Solo Exhibition

To you and me, who keep choosing to live today 

Date: Saturday, January 13 - Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Hours: 11:00AM - 8:00PM (11:00AM-6:00PM on the last day)

Venue: Kyoto Tsutaya Books 6F Gallery

Organizor: Kyoto Tsutaya Books

Admission: Free

Contact: +81-75-606-4525 / kyoto.info@ttclifestyle.co.jp

Website: https://store.tsite.jp/kyoto/event/t-site/37727-1151391213.html


Opening Talk Event

Date: Saturday, January 13, AM11:00-

Venue: Kyoto Tsutaya Books 6F SHARE ROUNGE

Guest: Haruka Hashimoto, Mio Yamato

*More information will be available on Kyoto Tsutaya Books' website soon.

December 27, 2023
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