young okazaki vol.2|MtK Contemporary Art

Exhibition|Mio Yamato
COHJU contemporary art is delighted to announce that Mio Yamato will join a group show young okazaki vol.2, which will be held at MtK Contemporary Art from August 6th to September 4th.

young okazaki vol.2
Artists: Shinya Imanishi, Arisa Kumagai, Kazuya Sakamoto, Mio Yamato
Date: Saturday, August 6th - Sunday, September 4th, 2022
Open Hours: AM10:00-PM6:00
Closed on: Mondays, August 6th, PM3:00-5:00 and August 21st, AM10:00-PM1:00
Venue: MtK Contemporary Art
Address: 20-1 Okazaki Minami Gosho-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8334
In collaboration with: Gallery Koyanagi, COHJU contemporary art, nca | Nichido contemporary art

Opening Reception: Saturday, August 6th, PM5:00-8:00
July 25, 2022
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